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Your Promoting Excellence Certificated
Online Training Course
Put simply, if you know yourself and understand your own leadership behaviours, you will be in a better position to manage others. For all leaders, not just new leaders, this means not only being self-aware but having a self-critical approach to your own leadership.
This programme aims:
To enable you to reflect on your self-awareness and its importance
To inform and reflect on the value of Emotional Intelligence for everyone
To show key skills for effective leaders
How to use this course
Below are a series of downloads for you. Taken together, they will lead you, in a modular basis, through the whole of our Promoting Excellence 'Self Awareness and Understanding Emotional Intelligence' course, and will conclude with a certificate that you can download to show you have successfully completed the training - and have been officially certificated by Promoting Excellence Limited.
Each module has video narration, so you are best to complete the course where sound will not disturb others around you.The course is linear, so you should start by downloading and completing the Introduction, followed by Module ONE, Module TWO and so forth. Your password and login ID gives you access to this page, in most cases, for a full year from purchase, so you will not need to rush, but can work methodically. Some downloads are quite large - up to 50MB or so - so you should only download the module upon which you are currently working, before progressing to the next one.
Where a module has worksheets, bonus materials and handouts, these are listed below, in the order you will need to download them. Not all courses, and not all modules have worksheets or handouts, but where they do, they are listed below for you to download and use.
All modules are in Microsoft PowerPoint Show format.
When you reach the conclusion of the course, you will be able to click a link to your Promoting Excellence certificate.
Is the course for an individual or a group? Will they use this differently?
The course has been written for use by individuals or small groups. An individual will need to reflect on some of the ideas raised, and to jt down their thoughts. They may like to then discuss their ideas with peers, or a competent leader. A small group will find benefit in discussing the ideas and issues raised as a group, and perhaps agreeing on joint actions.
To enable you to reflect on your self-awareness and its importance.
To inform and reflect on the value of Emotional Intelligence for everyone.
To show key skills for effective leaders.
To be more knowledgeable regarding the importance and nature of personal self-awareness.
To raise awareness and give areas to work on to improve or develop following a self-assessment questionnaire.
Some Housekeeping Points
In each module,you can go forwards to the next slide by clicking on the button in the top right corner of each module-slide. To signify that a slide is fully completed and ready to advance, the button-label will flash. You can also go backwards to look again at any slide you have completed. To do that click the button in the top left corner. When going back through slides, their videos (if any) will not automatically play - but you can play them by clicking on them)
Courses work on a PC - they may work on a MAC or a tablet, but this is not guaranteed
Technical support on device configuration options can only be provided by your ICT department. The course has been tested on PCs running W10 and W11.
A Promoting Excellence Certificate in FIVE Modules
You can complete the course as quickly or as slowly as you like. So long as you have a valid licence that is still 'in date', you can download your course material at any time..
SELF AWARENESS AND UNDERSTANDING EI COURSE WORKBOOK - Start by downloading this -it will be your guide as you progress through the course. You can complete this on-screen, or you can print it. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORKBOOK to your local computer. If you do not save it, you can download a new one at any time, but it will be a fresh workbook without any of your notes. Only your own saved workbook contains your notes. This is true for all Workbooks and Worksheets also.
INTRODUCTION - Start by Downloading this and working through it. (ppsx file)
This is just an introduction, to clarify aims and outcomes and the course content.
MODULE ONE - Self Awareness and Understanding (ppsx file).This module gets our course underway be discussing what is meant by emotional intelligence, and explaining that this starts with self-awareness and understanding one’s own behaviours. It explores a model called the Johari Window, for which there are further materials to download.
MODULE ONE - Raising Self-Awareness at Work (pdf file) Raising self-awareness can help to create trust and openness so that colleagues will feel encouraged to ask for help when it is needed, share concerns and welcome opportunities to develop. This can only impact positively on any workplace by creating more effective teams. The best leaders and managers will act as positive role models to encourage self-awareness in others.This worksheet is a diagnostic questionnaire designed for you to reflect or discuss how you, and your team, are doing.
MODULE ONE- The Johari Window (pdf file)
A model explaining the different ways others may view us - and we may view ourselves.
MODULE TWO -What IS Emotional Intelligence? (ppsx file)
This module explores Daniel Goleman's definition of Emotional Intelligence and whether it applies to your working environment. It presents the differences between IQ - 'Intellectual Intelligence' and EQ 'Emotional Intelligence'. It explains how oftentimes, the perception of IQ can be 'filtered' by one's EQ.
MODULE TWO- Assessing your own Emotional Intelligence (pdf file)
This is a diagnostic and interpretive questionnaire to allow you to first assess, and then to consider, your own Emotional Intelligence.
MODULE THREE - Developing your Understanding of Emotional Intelligence (ppsx file)
This module invites you to consider the elements of good Emotional Intelligence, and to consider how you may develop these further.
MODULE FOUR - Continuing to Develop Your Self Awareness and EI (ppsx file)
This module looks at how you can further develop your Self-Awareness, and your Emotional Intelligence. It shows the importance of focusing on the 'what', rather than the 'why', and presents pages of strategies to improve your Emotional Intelligence - even when the 'going gets tough'.
MODULE FIVE - To finally know yourself and your leadership behaviours (ppsx file)
This module uses a downloadable diagnostic to help you understand your preferred leadership behaviours, and their complementary and contra-indicated personalities. What strategies can you adopt to use your preferred styles to their best effect? And what might you avoid?
MODULE FIVE- Leadership Behaviours Questionnaire (pdf file)
A diagnostic questionnaire to help you think about your leadership styles and how these derive from your personality preferences.
MODULE FIVE- Leadership Behaviours Decoded (pdf file)
The background to the Leadership Behaviors Diagnostic and how to make the most of your results.
Don't forget to download your certificate at the end of this module. (If you do forget, you can redo just this module five and download it at the end).
Your certificate has a field for you to enter your name.It can then be saved, or printed off.
Thank You
Thank you for your purchase of this course.
We hope it truly helps you become more Emotionally Intelligent.